
AC Power Distributor is a prime element to any audio system. One should not under estimate the neccessity of this part by taking it for granted. Our Power distributor block is crafted from tropical solid wood (Teak with natural yellow/brown color, or Padauk with natural red/brown color) for unique appearance and functionality. The density of these woods form very stable platform to the receptacle plugs and are less likely to get vibration from external sources.
To form outstanding power connection, each block uses high quality Dual Duplex receptacle from famous "EAGLE" that can sustain hundreds of pluging/unpluging without waring loose. Internally you will find heavy guage high purity copper wire specially selected for sonic improvement and capable of delivering +10A rms.

Type A "Teak wood" cost $85USD

Type B "Teak wood" cost $98USD

Type C "Padauk wood" cost $128USD

SACThailand 34/137 Vibhawadi-Rangsit 60 Rd. Laksi, Bangkok. 10210.
Tel. 66 (0)2940-9089, Fax .66 (0)2940-9316